Which file format do you use?

STL is our preferred file format.  Most 3D programs should allow for conversion to this file type, typically under the File -- Export menu.

How can I give you my file?

You can bring your STL file to us in our office or email it to 3dp.bartlett@ucl.ac.uk. Please note that we only accept new files between 9:30am and 12:30pm.

Which materials can I build my models in?

Our SLS systems use Nylon PA2200, and the Objet builds in acrylic materials ranging from hard to soft to transparent.

Can I build my models in color?

No- our colours are limited to white on the SLS and black, white and transparent on the Objet.

How long does it take?

The time depends on the size of the model, we currently offer a 3 working day turnaround.

What is the thinnest my parts can be?

Generally, no parts should be thinner than 1mm.

What tolerances should I leave for assembling/moving parts?

Generally a 0.3mm tolerance should be left between separate parts.